A team of video production professionals in Sacramento

The Future Of Marketing With Sacramento Video Production Companies

Marketing is created to grab the attention of the audience and today’s technology has created a society with a mass influx of media paired with a shorter attention span.

It is estimated that the average person is exposed to upwards of 5,000 ads per day. Out of those 5,000 (or more) including all mediums of advertising, very few are retained.
So what marketing strategies are needed to make sure your company’s message breaks through?

Ads today need to engage your audience on an emotional level, communicating value as well as making a connection in seconds. The best option to establish this bond with your audience is video.

Video is now the easiest and most strategic way for a company to tell their story. Purpose driven storytelling is at the center of all good advertisements. A consumer remembers a good video or ad because it makes the consumer feel something.

A company’s marketing strategy needs to include a variety of marketing videos if it hopes to be relevant in today’s world.

An article titled “55 video marketing statistics for 2021” posted by Biteable explains some of the statistics behind this necessity. Some of those statistics are as follows:

  • “81% of businesses use video as a marketing tool”
  • “64% of consumers will make a purchase after watching branded videos on social platforms”
  • “97% of marketers say video has helped users gain a better understanding of their products and services”

But don’t forget. This mass influx of video messaging has also led to shorter attention spans. Videos need to be short and sweet before the consumer moves on to the next “bright and shiny” object. The shorter the video the more engagement it will have. Companies need to be precise with their message and unique with their delivery if they hope to gain the attention of someone who has been online for their third hour of the day.

In a society that normally spends 3 hours and 15 minutes a day on their phone (up to 8 hours a day when a pandemic strikes) the future of video marketing is clear.

Source: https://biteable.com/blog/video-marketing-statistics/auris.